Other chip seal applications
It looks similar but the jobs are different.
Rural road Tullibardine Scotland
This Photo courtesy of
© Copyright Richard Webb and licensed for reuse
Eugene/Lane County in Oregon
360 video of chip seal of a rural road in Oregon. You can rotate the video to see any part of the operation both were they are headed and the trucks following the chip spreader
Alaska DOTPF
A construction crew spreads out B layer chips over emulsified asphalt
Areal View of chip seal project
Chip seal over a reclaimed rural road
A low volume rural road being improved by reclaiming and chip sealing explaining the process. There is no asphalt base for this road in Missouri this county has 350 miles of road. Out side of Kansas City
Farm to market road in West Texas
A rural road with chip seal being used as a surface coat to hold it together
Chip Seal by PA DOT
On a country road testing a special dump body that does not have to travel with the body up, so that the fear of wires is eliminated as well as possibly tipping over.
Rebuilding a road with sub base stabilization and chip seal
Trucking terminal parking lot
This terminal parking lot gets a lot of traffic and the chip seal is being used to hold together the base and shed water from the surface.
This is chip seal over compacted base
Other parts of the country with less frost activity instalations are done differently.
Springfield Center Rd - Gravel Road conversion to Chip 'n Seal
Wide open places like this just are not something we ever find in our work area. We show this as a comparison to how the technology is similar but not something that would work here is the types of projects we do. We have harder aggregate available here in New England. Questions on the difference give us a call.
This collection of videos are here on this page to show you some examples of applications of the chip seal process and how it can be used in other areas. The difference is most of these applications are on roads that are not on paved surfaces. These are applications for low volume situations as an alternative to full thickness paving. We are doing chip seal on pavement that is sound and full thickness for the traffic that is in the area. This is an important distinction in what we do and how quality chip seal projects are installed here in New England. For a comparison to how we use this process a detailed description in on our chip seal driveway page that goes over the process step by step.